Be it resolved that the International Conference for Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines call upon The Governments of The Philippines and Canada to implement these recommendations which apply to just international-mining practises in The Philippines:
- To prohibit the use of military or paramilitary forces when entering into agreements for mining or mining exploration in The Philippines.
- The end of the vilification and human rights violations of people and people’s organizations which monitor mining practices in The Philippines.
- The immediate release of the political prisoners who are imprisoned because of their monitoring or protests about mining activities.
- The end of illegal arrest and imprisonment of people.
- The end of abuse, violence and sex crimes against women anywhere as practiced by the military, as well as holding to account offending members of the military.
- The protection of the ancestral lands and resources from destructive large scale mining and all projects affecting indigenous communities.
- That the Canadian Government actively support and seek to fund NGOs and other progressive organizations who record and document human rights violations and further, seek to sanction any Canadian Interests whose practices violate human rights in their many forms in the Philippines.
- (Investigation & Further Study of Human Rights:) That an inter-party Canadian delegation be formed from Members of the Canadian Parliament to visit the Philippines, in order to better understand the continued Human Rights violations and the impact of Canadian Mining interests on Indigenous peoples, rural people, peasants, local communities, environment and investigate any now unknown social or environmental detriments.