Please forward this wherever and whenever you can to strengthen the international protest and solidarity movement for human rights in the Philippines, which people needs for their life in standing up to fight for a liberated world!
On the last Monday-demonstration in Stuttgart, 15th of September 2014, we made a little party to the 10th anniversary of the fight against the unsocial law Hartz 4 and other issues.
On this anniversary we continued as well our vigil for James Balao. We counted- as it was decided in October 2008 in the partnership agreement between the Monday-Demonstration Movement Stuttgart and the family Balao and Cordillera People Alliance (CPA) the days of the disappearance of James Balao. James Balao was a founding member of the Cordillera Peoples Alliance and a fighter for freedom and against the plundering of nature by open-pit mining. It is now the 6th year of the disappearance of James Balao. This means 6 years of waiting, 6 years of tears and remembrances and 6 years of international protest, 6 years of demanding justice and for demanding to stop impunity. The killers and murders are still living among us and they think, that they could go on with their counter insurgency US made plan „ Oplan Bayanihan“.
After 6 years we still want to know, what happened to James and we demand that the responsible persons and authority will be jailed into prison like the former dictators in Argentina. More than 30 years the Mothers of the Placo de Mayo demand for the truth and for stopping impunity. They have been successful and we will be successful as well, there is no doubt!
On this Monday-demonstration we remembered as well that on the 14th of September 1973 the revolutionary singer and songwriter Victor Jara was murdered together with thousands of other freedom fighters in Chile by the US-leaded counterrevolution against Salvador Allende and the progressiv government. It was said, that in fighting for a bright future with bread and roses our killed brothers and sisters accompany us always. We are proud to held up the banner of humanity all around the world and we know, that we will hold and close the line, if one of us is murdered or enforced disappeared:
Touch one-touch all!
Long live international solidarity!
If the President Aquino III visits Germany and Europe in these days we protest against this visit. If he shakes hand with Chancellor Angela Merkel we know, that there is blood and repression in his hand! We accuse Chancellor Angela Merkel for peace- and human right washing with Aquino III while in the Philippines a lot of human right and trade union activists are jailed into prison, killed or enforced disappeared like James Balao. We know as well that they are talking about preparing next wars in the Chinese Sea together with the USA.
German Philippines Friends and the Monday-demonstration in Stuttgart demand
- Surface all the truth of James Balao
- Stop the killings
- Stop impunity
- Free all political prisoners
On behalf of the Monday-demonstration of the 15th of September 2014, Stuttgart, Germany