We, the UK-based Campaign on Human Rights in the Philippines send our greetings of solidarity to the Lumad people from the United Kingdom, as you suffer grave human rights abuses.
We express our concern at all of the recent violence, but especially the killing of Lumad leaders Dionel Campos and Juvello Sinzo and Lumad school executive Emerito Samarca.
We call on President Aquino to order the immediate withdrawal of military and paramilitary forces from indigenous people’s communities in Mindanao and the disbandment of paramilitary forces, which are under the command of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and dismantle the counterinsurgency program, Oplan Bayanihan, which continues to victimize innocent and unarmed civilians.
We understand the oppression you, the Lumad, face, and the attempts to silence your protest, sometimes at the hands of companies that are based in, or financed by, countries like the United Kingdom. In this time of global economy where the international collaboration between those who wish to exploit indigenous lands, territories and resources for profit become ever closer, we who oppose them and work for justice will stand together.
We stand with you in your struggle to achieve full recognition and respect for your rights over your lands, territories and resources, as well as the right to live in peace in a self-determined fashion.
Yours in solidarity,
Members of the Campaign for Human Rights in the Philippines-United Kingdom