Dear NGO partners from Theresa-laden Team:
I got those very sad news about Father Pop`s death from many NGO partners in Mindanao. That`s why I send my words of condolence in one letter to all of you.
I feel how much you are touched about this killing of a man, who dedicated his life for the Indigenous People who have no lobby, no rights, no acceptance in their own country.
How about your “democratic ” land, which solves their problems with murdering holy people???? How about a Catholic country, which forgot all about Jesus’ words of justice, peace, forgiveness, respect and neighbour love and enemy love !
God gave them a paradise with all the beauty of nature and beauty of people and they made a hell out of it! No security, no home feeling for most of the indigenous people, fear and chaotic situations all over the places!
The only thing we can do is to stand behind all the struggling people in your country , to hope , and to act together with you that this horrible situation will stop one day, to pray that your Government finds back to the root of his religion, when God created the Philippines and and he saw that it was good !
In the name of Theresa-laden Team of Switzerland
Yours In Solidarity,
Monika Baumann
Director, Theresa-Ladeli
Bern, Switzerland