Amid the people’s call to abolish the presidential and congressional pork, the Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights (Karapatan) and several people’s organizations today held a picket at the House of Representatives, in time for the hearing of the proposed budget for the Department of National Defense (DND) for 2014. The protest underscored the “DND’s more than 82.1 billion-peso proposed budget meant to oil the Aquino government’s killing machine, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the primary implementer of Oplan Bayanihan.”
The Freays were killed when their house was strafed by the soldiers who were positioned three meters from their house. The older Freay was immediately killed while his son sustained 18 gunshot wounds when he was fired at by another group of soldiers.
“Public funds are being used to kill the people and perpetrate thousands of rights violations. Under Aquino’s counter-insurgency program Oplan Bayanihan, Karapatan has documented and recorded to 142 documented cases of extrajudicial killing and 164 frustrated killing; 16 incidents of enforced disappearance; 76 cases of torture; 540 cases of illegal arrest; and more than 30,000 victims of forced evacuation,” Palabay said.
Included in the DND budget is the allocation of P2B for compensation of the Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Units (CAFGUs), despite wide and persistent clamor for the disbandment of paramilitary groups, civilian volunteer organisations and private. The European Parliament and several States also called on the Philippine government, in the Universal Periodic Review in 2012, to immediately disband all paramilitary groups.
Palabay said Karapatan also documented several extrajudicial killings and human rights violations since 2010 involving paramilitary groups, such as the incidents involving Datu Jimmy Liguyon, Fr. Fausto Tentorio, and the massacre of Juvy Capion and her two children. “Similarly, the operations of the Special CAFGU Active Auxiliary (SCAA) units, which are co-funded and organized by the AFP and mining/transnational corporations, have continued, with Pres. Aquino categorically giving the go-signal for it on October 20, 2011. The question then is why are we still funding CAFGUs and SCAAs?” she asked.
Karapatan’s research showed the Oplan Bayanihan budget, with at least a total of PhP162 billion, is allocated in various government agencies.
Palabay explained the inclusion of the proposed budgets of the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP), National Security Council (NSC) and of some specific projects as in the case of PAMANA in the overall budget of Oplan Bayanihan “because these agencies and programs are conduits in the implementation of Oplan Bayanihan’s components, specifically the psy-ops and intelligence aspects.”
Oplan Bayanihan Fund
Agencies |
2014 (proposed budget) |
Department of National Defense (DND) |
82,195,121,000 |
Philippine National Police (DILG) |
71,945,660,000 |
Support for Peace and Order Councils (DILG) |
33,830,000 |
Comprehensive Local Integration Program (DILG) |
74,036,000 |
National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) |
590,956,000 |
Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) |
351,547,000 |
National Security Council (NSC) |
88,584,000 |
PAMANA (Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan allocated in various government line agencies) |
7,217,664,000 |
Intelligence Funds (allocated in various line agencies) |
250,026,000 (except PNP-DILG,DND and NICA allocations) |
P162,747,424,000 |
“The Filipino people deserve better than a government that is repressive and corrupt. It is the people’s right to have access to health services, to medical attention, to attend school and to better education and, to decent housing at the very least. We can no longer tolerate a government that has nothing to offer the people but PR spins and catchphrases of goodwill while violating the people’s rights at the same time,” Palabay concluded.
Cristina “Tinay” Palabay
Secretary General
Angge Santos
Media Liaison