The International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines is calling on all members and supporters all over the world to campaign against the intensifying state repression in the Philippines.
Let us amplify the calls of the Filipino people and together expose and oppose the widespread and increasing militarization of communities and vicious attacks on those who resist imperialist plunder of their land and resources.
This is our solidarity contribution to the peoples’ legitimate struggles for just and lasting peace in the land. We urge you to:
- Launch solidarity mass actions from 19 – 21 September 2015, on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of Martial Law in the Philippines, highlighting the intensifying attacks of the US-supported Aquino regime against the Filipino people.
- Worldwide actions condemn criminal US-Aquino regime
- Photos of protest actions also available on facebook:
- Disseminate and popularize the conclusions and verdict of the International Peoples’ Tribunal of July 2015, which found the US and Philippine governments guilty of massive violations of the civil, political and human rights of the Filipino people. Materials are available from:
- Expose the intensifying repression and attacks of the US-Aquino regime against Philippine communities through publications, online media, public meetings, video screenings, etc. Highlight as well the heroic struggles of the Filipino people against these escalating repression.
- Send letters and petitions to the highest officials of the Manila government, UN and other inter-governmental bodies, your country’s parliament and government officials, and international human rights organizations. Examples of letters:
- Participate in fact-finding missions to Philippine communities.
- Organize speaking tours of Filipino community leaders and human rights victims in your country.
- Strengthen our support for the heroic struggles of the people in Mindanao, including the Lumad and Moro peoples, against the plunder and exploitation of their natural resources.
- Organize activities for the Global Weeks of Action for Mindanao: 22 November – 10 December 2015
- Support the Save Our Schools campaign
- Support the Pangiyak ki! Mindanao Shout Out! Activities; the Manilakbayan, Mindanao Human Rights Summit, and other activities related to this campaign.
- Organize Mindanao, Lumad and Moro solidarity groups among migrant Filipinos and solidarity supporters in your country.